Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What Are Receding Gums And What Causes Them?

Dr. Robert L. Bass D.D.S.
Receding gums (commonly misspelled as receeding gums), also known as gingival recession, describes the loss of gum tissue, potentially exposing the roots of one’s teeth. It generally happens the most to people in their 40s and older, but can sometimes start in the teen years. It is one of the main indicators of periodontal disease.

Some causes of receding gums include:

- Brushing too hard with a toothbrush that has hard bristles.
- Periodontal disease

- Lack of adequate flossing and/or brushing.
- Chewing tobacco. This affects the mucus membrane lining in the oral cavity
- Bruxism (teeth grinding)
- Adult orthodontic moving of the teeth
- Lip or tongue piercings can wear away the part of the gum that rubs against them
- Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), an ingredient that is in most toothpastes
- An uncommon cause is an adult tooth not growing out of the right place in the gum

Some receding gums symptoms include the following:

- The teeth may be sensitive to hot, cold, sweet, sour, and spicy sensations.
- Teeth may look longer than normal.
- Roots of the teeth may be seen.
- Tooth may feel notched at the gum line
- Teeth discoloration (due to the difference between the color of the enamel and cementum)- Spaces appear between teeth due to the gums not being there anymore
- Cavities below gum line

If receding gums are caused by gingivitis, you may also have these symptoms:

- Swollen/inflamed, red, or puffy gums
- Gum bleeding while brushing or flossing
- Bad breath

If you are having the aforementioned problems, please contact our office about an oral evaluation.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Facial Injury - Prevention, The Best Policy

Dr. Marc Salomone D. D. S.
We treat numerous facial injuries each year through surgical intervention. Quite a few of these injuries ccur during sports participation and accidents. Because avoiding injury is always best, we advocate the use of automobile seat belts, protective mouth guards, and appropriate masks and helmets for everyone who participates in athletic pursuits at any level. You don’t have to play at the professional level to sustain a serious head injury. New innovations in helmet and mouth and face guard technology have made these devices comfortable to wear and very effective in protecting the vulnerable maxillofacial area. Make sure your family is well-protected. If you play the sport, make the following safety gear part of your standard athletic equipment:

Football: Helmets with face guards and mouth guards should be worn. Many of the helmets manufactured for younger players have plastic face guards that can be bent back into the face and cause injury. These should be replaced by carbon steel wire guards.
Baseball: A catcher should always wear a mask. Batting helmets with a clear molded plastic face guard are now available; these can also be worn while fielding.
Ice Hockey: Many ice hockey players are beginning to wear cage-like face guards attached to their helmets. These are superior to the hard plastic face masks worn by some goalies, as the face guard and the helmet take the pressure of a blow instead of the face. For extra protection, both face and mouth guards — including external mouth guards made of hard plastic and secured with straps — can be worn.
Wrestling: More and more high school athletic associations require wrestlers to wear head gear. A strap with a chin cup holds the gear in place and helps steady the jaw. Recently, face masks have been developed for wrestlers, who should also wear mouth guards.
Boxing: Mouth guards are mandatory in this sport. A new pacifier-like mouth guard for boxers has been designed with a thicker front, including air holes to aid breathing.
Lacrosse: Hard plastic helmets resembling baseball batting helmets, with wire cage face masks, are manufactured for this sport.
Field Hockey: Oral and maxillofacial surgeons recommend that athletes participating in this sport wear mouth guards. Goalies can receive extra protection by wearing Lacrosse helmets.
Soccer: Soccer players should wear mouth guards for protection. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons advise goalies to also wear helmets.
Biking: All riders should wear lightweight bike helmets to protect their heads. Scooters and Skateboarders: Bike helmets are also recommended for those who ride two-wheeled scooters and skateboards.
Skiing and Snowboarding: The recent surge in accidents among skiers and snowboarders has encouraged many safety conscious participants to wear lightweight helmets that will protect the maxillofacial area in the event of a fall or crash.
Horseback Riding: A helmet and mouth guard are recommended for horseback riding, particularly if the rider is traveling cross-country or plans to jump the horse.
Basketball, Water Polo, Handball, Rugby, Karate, Judo, and Gymnastics:Participants in these sports should be fitted with mouth guards.

A Word about Mouth Guards

New synthetic materials and advances in engineering and design have produced mouth guards that are sturdier yet lightweight enough to allow the wearer to breathe easily. Mouth guards can vary from the inexpensive “boil and bite” models to custom-fabricated guards made by dentists, which can be adapted to the sport and are generally more comfortable.
A mouth protector should be evaluated from the standpoint of retention, comfort, ability to speak and breathe, tear resistance and protection provided to the teeth, gums and lips.
There are five criteria to consider when being fitted for a mouth protector. The device should be:
  1. fitted so that it does not misalign the jaw and throw off the bite
  2. lightweight
  3. strong
  4. easy to clean
  5. should cover the upper and/or lower teeth and gums
By encouraging sports enthusiasts at every level of play to wear mouth guards and other protective equipment, oral and maxillofacial surgeons hope to help change the “face” of sports.
In the event a facial or mouth injury occurs that requires a trip to the emergency room, the injured athlete, his parent or coach should be sure to ask that our office is called for consultation. We are the specialists most qualified to deal with these types of injuries. In some cases, we may even detect a “hidden” injury that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why Choose An Oral Surgeon For Your Dental Implants

Dr. Robert L. Bass  D.D.S.
Dental implants have become the clear choice for replacing single or multiple missing teeth. Although the procedure is extremely technical, when performed by an experienced oral surgeon, the results are typically very predictable. As you begin to explore your options with dental implants in Palm Springs/Palm Desert, you can be confident that our oral surgeons have the expertise to permanently restore your smile.

The dental implant procedure is an amazing combination of science and cosmetics. After extensively reviewing your medical history, your oral surgeon will implant a surgical grade titanium post into your jaw bone. Using state of the art imaging technology, the oral surgeon can evaluate the anatomical curvatures of your bone in order to identify the exact location for your implant.

When the jaw bone is not dense enough to support an implant, your oral surgeon may suggest a bone grafting procedure to improve stability.

During the planning and placement of your implant, the oral surgeon will pay particular attention to the esthetic aspects of the procedure. How will the implant be angled to align with the neighboring teeth? How is the jaw bone shaped near the implant? Does the gum tissue look healthy and natural around the implant? These aspects are just as important as the clinical success of the implant. You deserve a tooth replacement solution that is both strong and beautiful.

By trusting our oral surgeons to restore your smile, you have access to a specialist who possesses a wealth of knowledge. In addition to completing four years of dental school, oral surgeons receive specialized education and hospital residencies in cardiology, internal medicine, plastic surgery, and anesthesia. With the ability to combine dental procedures with surgical expertise, an oral surgeon is the most likely specialist to deliver superior implant dentistry.

Maybe you have been curious about the ways that dental implants can improve your smile. Perhaps you have questions about how to proceed with your choice to replace your missing teeth. If so, then call our dental implant team at 760-327-1509 to schedule a consultation today.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Connection Between Bone Disease And Oral Health

Dr. Robert L. Bass D.D.S.
Have you taken a close look at your teeth lately? Can they tell you more about your overall health than you might realize? While regular flossing and brushing are great practices to employ, if you take a closer look at your teeth, they may have a hidden message for you.

Studies have shown that periodontal disease affects nearly 80 percent of both men and women in the United States. This is a chronic infection that targets the gums and the bones supporting the teeth. Bacteria, coupled with the body’s own immune system, can begin to break down the bone and connective tissue that hold the teeth in place. 

Some studies have shown a relationship between bone loss, periodontitis, and tooth loss, noting that it is quite possible that the loss of alveolar bone mineral density makes the bones more susceptible to the bacteria of periodontitis, which increases the risk of tooth loss.

Research has shown a link between osteoporosis and bone loss in the jaw. The jaw plays an important role in supporting the teeth and anchoring them into position. When the jaw bone becomes brittle and less dense due to the effects of osteoporosis, this can affect the strength of the teeth.

The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) has indicated through its research that dental X-rays may be used as a way to screen for osteoporosis. It has been shown through research that dental X-rays have been quite effective in showing which patients have osteoporosis versus those with normal bone density.

Since most people are in contact more frequently with their dentist than with their primary care physician, dentists are in a position where they can recognize patients with low bone density and encourage those individuals to seek consultation with their doctors about their bone health. The types of dental concerns that may be indicative of low bone density include loose teeth, receding gums or gums that have already detached from the teeth, and ill-fitting or loose dentures.

It is not known yet whether or not the treatments for osteoporosis have the same benefits on oral health concerns as they do on other bones in the body, but scientists are hopeful that efforts to treat overall skeletal bone density will have a direct and promising impact on dental health.

Of course, taking steps to prevent osteoporosis include eating a well-balanced diet that is full of calcium and vitamin D. Be sure to get plenty of exercise or engage in regular physical activity. Walking, jogging, dancing, and weight training are ideal weight-bearing exercises that serve to keep bones strong and healthy. Avoid smoking and limit how much alcohol you consume. If you do notice any problems in your dental health, most notably loose teeth, receding gum lines, or dentures that do not seem to fit properly, contact not only us but your doctor as well. We can help you get back on track to a healthier you!